Operators are symbols that tells the compiler to perform specific functions.
C language provides the following types of operators:-
1. Arithmetic Operators
These operators are used to perform mathematical/arithmetic operations.
+(Addition), –(Subtraction), *(Multiplication), /(Division), %(Modul), ++(Increment), —(Decrement)
2. Relational Operators
These operators are used to compare values, in condition.
==(Equal to), !=(Not Equal to), >(Greater Than), <(Smaller Than), >=(Greater Than or Equal to), <=(Smaller Than or Equal to)
3. Logical Operators
These operators are used to combine two or more conditions.
&&(Logical AND), ||(Logical OR), !(Logical NOT)
4. Bitwise Operators
The Bitwise operators are used to perform bit-level calculations. The operators are first converted to bit-level and then the calculation is performed.
&(Binary AND), |(Binary OR), ^(BinaryXOR), ~(Binary One’s Complement), <<(Binary Left Shift), >>(Binary Right Shift)
5. Assignment Operators
These operators are used to assign value to a variable.
=(Simple assignment), +=(Add AND assignment), -=(Subtract AND assignment), *=(Multiply AND assignment), /=(Divide AND assignment), %=(Modulus AND assignment), <<=(Left shift AND assignment), >>(Right shift AND assignment), &=(Bitwise AND assignment), ^=(Bitwise exclusive OR and assignment), |=(Bitwise inclusive OR and assignment)
6. Misc Operators
sizeof()(Returns the size of a variable), &(Returns the address of a variable), *(Pointer to a variable), ?:(Conditional Expression)